Start Site versions:

V. 1.0.5

+ Added "Remove asterisks" script;

+ Added Console version checker (version());

• Stylesheet fixes.

V. 1.0.55

+ Added Scroll percentage calculator;

+ Changelog implementation (changelog());

+ Added ::placeholder style (Global CSS);

- Removed default input box-shadow;

+ Added "Center Child Buttons" style;

+ Added "Columns: 2" and "Columns: 3" styles.

V. 1.0.6

+ Added Mouse & Mobile touch icons.

V. 1.0.65

• Link Color White addition: "element a span".

V. 1.0.66

+ Added iOS / Not iOS eliminating styles;

+ Added iOS user agent sniffer (JS).

• Background for Lightbox full-screen images is now transparent (70%) (Global CSS)

V. 1.0.7

+ Added render : entity disabler;

V. 1.0.71

• Privacy Policy Centered Title

• Privacy Policy Not Full-width

• 404-page Centered All

• 404-page Not Full-width

+ Added Ghost style for invisible elements

• Changed style "Center Child Buttons" to also affect Form Buttons

V. 1.0.75

• Changed Start Site core console.log colors;

+ Added custom checkboxes;

• JS cleanup;

+ Added tablet compatibility for footer credits;

+ Added "Mobile Form Padding Equalizer" style;

• Upgraded Field Asterisk remover to also remove from select tags;

+ Added "Cell Width: Auto" style (affects immediate child .u-size elements in both full-width and not full-width parents).

+ Added "Form File Upload" style;

+ Added .scrolled toggler for html tag (intended for shorter version of menu after scrolling);

+ Added "Tablet Free Edges" style (content no longer sticks to edges at tablet resolutions)

V. 1.0.8

V. 1.0.9

+ Added "Phrase Recognition" script (alpha);

+ Added "BG Accent 2" style;

• Improved Griddy;

• Improved "Render:entity Remover";

+ Added "Form File" style;

+ Added "Form Sucess" Global style;

+ Added "Masonry 1 Entry" style + demo;

+ Added togglable FPS counter (to be integrated in Griddy);

+ Added "Universal Box Equalizer" script;

+ Added "Mobile Un-Full-Width Child Container" style.

V. 1.0.10

+ Added Whatsapp Share

8 Sep 2024



Title 2

Title 3

Gradient Text